When looking for affordable dedicated server hosting, it is crucial to keep in mind the needs and requirements of your business as well as technical performance and provider reliability. Features like backup/recovery services, load balancing and malware protection should also be carefully considered.
Dedicated servers tend to be more costly than other types of web hosting – as they provide greater computing power, bandwidth and storage space – however annual subscriptions can substantially cut costs.
Cheap Dedicated Servers
Dedicated servers offer more computing power for one website than shared hosting systems do, supporting more programming languages and databases than are offered through shared plans. They’re ideal for high-traffic sites or eCommerce stores with increased visitor numbers; also guaranteeing single tenant environments to improve security while allowing more customization than standard cloud hardware configurations; however they tend to be more costly than their rivals.
Many dedicated server providers provide attractive offers to attract customers. HostNoc, for example, provides an Intel Xeon 8-core server at an attractive price for smaller websites with 48GB RAM, 240GB system SSDs and two 1TB SATA backup drives in its entry-level dedicated server offering. They also provide free white-glove migration with guaranteed response time of 30 minutes for 24/7 support services.
Other providers, like Iomart-owned Easyspace, also provide cost-effective dedicated servers with full root access and multiple OS options. Though not the cheapest on the market, Easyspace still offers excellent value – their entry-level dedicated server costs just $33 when purchased for one year! Plus there are various deals and promotions on entry and mid range dedicated servers!
Cheap Dedicated Hosting
Cheap dedicated hosting is an economical solution to giving yourself full control of your website. With more advanced hardware than shared servers, dedicated servers offer improved performance and stability for greater performance boost. Plans start from under $50 per month. However, price alone should not be your primary concern when searching for cheap dedicated server hosting; be sure to compare features offered by each provider when shopping around for suitable deals.
Bare metal dedicated hosting (also known as unmanaged hosting) is often the least costly solution, yet requires you to manage every aspect of server administration yourself. From configuration, monitoring, security and optimization responsibilities all the way to customization needs – this DIY option works best for experienced server administrators looking for maximum customizability of their dedicated servers.
Semi-managed dedicated hosting is more expensive than bare metal but provides some of the benefits associated with fully managed dedicated hosting. Your web host will take care of basic server tasks such as OS updates and troubleshooting hardware failures while you will still need to manage software, databases and website applications yourself.
Saving even more on dedicated hosting can be accomplished by selecting a plan with an annual subscription period. Many providers offer significant introductory discounts when signing on for this commitment length.
Cheap Dedicated Server Plans
A dedicated server offers businesses unmatched performance, security and control online – yet many assume this type of solution is out of their budget. But rest assured: cheap dedicated servers exist that can fit most businesses; the key is finding choices with impressive performance that come at an accessible price point.
Easyspace offers affordable dedicated server plans featuring a quad-core CPU with 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage for only $106 per month, in addition to SMS monitoring alerts, free dedicated IP address registration, and full root level access for comprehensive server administration.
Other providers also provide affordable dedicated server options, with seasonal promotions or discounted long-term contracts providing discounted plans. To find a cheap dedicated server plan, it is wise to compare multiple providers and their features; aim for one which meets your specific needs (including website size and complexity of software environment) before selecting one to provide comprehensive support or hardware replacement in case of failures; finally seek a money-back guarantee so as to be certain of satisfaction with your purchase.